
城市: 北京天津河北山西辽宁四川吉林黑龙江上海江苏浙江安徽福建江西山东河南湖北湖南广东广西海南云南重庆贵州

不甘寂寞 马云挑战职业生涯出战50场保持全胜的世界拳王梅瑟夫

来源:人民日报社市场报网络版《时事经济观察》 发布时间:2019-10-29 12:34:08



  周日菲律宾传奇 “拳王”帕奎奥在推特上传了一段和马云练拳击的视频。戴上拳套的马云和帕奎奥对打,一通操作相当犀利凶猛。两人一起向帕奎奥的老对手梅威瑟隔空喊话。


  Via Ins


  In a video posted to Twitter Sunday, Philippines boxing legend Manny Pacquiao and Alibaba founder Jack Ma challenged Floyd Mayweather to a fight.

  周日,菲律宾传奇 “拳王”帕奎奥和马云在推特上向梅威瑟发起挑战。

  "Floyd Mayweather, if you want a real fight, fight me. If you want an exhibition, my guy, my friend, Jack Ma will take care of you, " Pacquiao says.


  He then calls them "The Real Manny Team," an apparent play on a lifestyle brand founded by Mayweather, The Money Team.


  "I am ready. Any time, any place, Manny's team is read," Ma said.

  随后,马云也说 “没错,我已经准备好了!任意时间,任意地点!”

  ▲With Manny Pacquiao's help, Alibaba founder Jack Ma challenges Floyd Mayweather to a fight Via CNN



  Via 网络

  The US boxer has 50-0 winning record and is considered one of the sport's all-time greats. He's technically retired, but has come out of retirement in previous years for big fights.


  He earned $9 million for just over two minutes of action during a fight in Japan last year.


  ▲With Manny Pacquiao's help, Alibaba founder Jack Ma challenges Floyd Mayweather to a fight Via CNN



  Via 网络

  Pacquiao first fought Mayweather in 2015. In that bout, dubbed the "Fight of the Century," Mayweather claimed a unanimous points victory against Pacquiao, who by then was 37 years old and past his prime.


  Fight fans, pundits and TV networks had for years demanded a bout between the two while they were at their peak, but the two sides could not agree to a deal.


  ▲With Manny Pacquiao's help, Alibaba founder Jack Ma challenges Floyd Mayweather to a fight Via CNN



  Floyd can take you both at the same time



  It's finally clear to me now why Jack Ma stepped down as Alibaba CEO



  Jack ma can buy both of you and make you fight standing on your hands


  Via Twitter

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